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  • Writer's pictureDoctor C

The Boogie Man Has a New Name; We call him Covid-19 now.

There are a lot of things in the world to worry about and the worst are usually things we know the least about or have little control over. The boogie man is a lot like that. Is he really under the bed when I’m sleeping, and will he go away if I just keep my eyes closed? Tim Burton brought him to life In the Nightmare Before Christmas as the character Oogie Boogie. And seeing him in action, as more than just an imagined hand slipping out from under one’s bed somehow makes him easier to tolerate, and easier to control. Now however, the boogie man has changed. He is not just under the bed, he’s everywhere. And he looks different too. He’s so small, that he can hide in plain site. He might be on that doorknob you just touched or possibly on a counter top where your food is sitting. And what about that person who just walked past? Is it possible that the boogie man is hitching a ride there too?

Believe me, I’m not trying to dismiss your concerns. I believe that this is a serious situation and that special measures are required. By all means, get some extra food, toilet paper and sanitizer. But please, remember your neighbors, they will need some too. Keep in mind, that despite all the newspaper, television and Internet extra coverage, this is not the end of life as we know it. The virus will dissipate just like it has in China, and recovery will occur. In the meanwhile, do what the experts suggest. Wash your hands frequently, avoid unnecessary contact with others and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Get plenty of rest. Try to exercise regularly, even if it’s just a brisk walk on a nice day. Eat regular, healthy meals and if you drink, do it in moderation. We will get through this, and working together is the best way to ultimately reach that goal.

Dr. C

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